Category Archives: Uncategorized

Picasso @ nursery

The color. The composition. The layers. Just fabulous. The title of the work is ‘Snuffalumpagus bites an alligator toe in the duck pond swamp’.

Sofia 29.07.2020


Seems it’s been a long time since I’ve written here. I guess i need to download the app onto my phone and start again. Evidently I grew to rely on IG too much and now nothing…. okay. here are a few really random photos from my borrowed work computer. Nearly 5 months of working from home in the Time of Corona….


George is sitting here beside me while i work but he looks a lot chubbier than he does in the photos I’ve seen on this blog. Might be time for all of us to go on a diet. xoxoxo

Umbrellas May-August 2017 

November mashup 

Little Pilot

I’m so far behind with posts I can’t remember what we’ve done so these might be repeats since they’re nearly 2 months old. Forgive me if they are but I wanted to post these to remember that Truffles was so good that she didn’t cry at all in the initial 9.5 hour plan ride and then less than 5 minutes on the second 57 minute flight from Atlanta to Jacksonville. 

She repeated the magic on the return flight but cries excessively during a car journey. Go figure. ✈️🚘🛩🚖


We might have an early teether here. Either that or she’s anxiously awaiting the election results and chewing her nails. 😳😬 

I’ll keep you posted. 

The leaves are turning 

Photo from a recent walk. 

More to come! 

Native Peoples scarf (maybe)

Found a cool scarf for 99p at a charity shop recently. 

No info other than a tag reading “100% polyester” so I’m sure it’s not valuable but it is so lovely. 🎁

Anyone have any idea about the people depicted on it? 

Paul Peter Piech Exhibition @ People’s History Museum Manchester 

Fancy coffee & bookstore 

We went to Chapter One coffee shop in Manchester recently and somebunny loved it! 🐰🐰